社区 and 订婚
社区 and 订婚
火狐体育下注是该州的旗舰大学,是一所赠地大学. 它的使命是代表肯塔基州和我们周围的更大的世界提供教育和研究.
But there's another important responsibility UK has — service.
肯塔基州是一个多元化的州,有120个县,火狐体育下注通过农业推广服务在每个县都有一席之地. Whether it's help with farming or financial planning, UK's extension agents are our ambassadors to the Commonwealth.
但服务的承诺延伸到大学生活的方方面面. At the Coldstream 研究 Park in Lexington, 火狐体育下注正在发展新兴的高科技和医疗保健公司,这些公司今天正在发展明天的经济. Throughout the state, 牙科学院的移动牙科车正在为肯塔基州数千名儿童提供牙科护理. 火狐体育官网入口A. B. 钱德勒医院与全州的社区医院都有合作关系, 旨在帮助人们在离家更近的地方满足基本医疗需求. 我们的研究人员正在进行开创性的研究,从水质、能源生产到乳腺癌和心血管疾病.
火狐体育下注大学是一所完全参与到我们所服务的州、国家和世界的大学. It's a fundamental part of our mission.
- Dental Outreach Programs
- Kentucky Rural Health Works Program
- UK Salvation Army Clinic
- Psychological Services Center
- Psychological Services Center
Information and Publications
- American Private Enterprise Program
- Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (CCLD)
- Continuing 教育
- 火狐体育下注在线
- Engineering Outreach 教育
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UK
- 多诺万的同伴
- Kentucky Early Mathematics Testing Program (KEMTP)
- Office of Clinical Practices and School Partnerships
- International 资源 for K-12
- Center for Business and Economic 研究
- Small Business Development Center
- Corporate Partnerships
- Commercialization and Economic Development
- Center for Manufacturing
- Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing
- Coldstream 研究 Campus
- 社区 and Economic Development
- Kentucky Farm Business Management Program
- Institute for Workplace Innovation